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Wednesday 2 February 2011

Criminal face generator

We thought it would be a good idea to have a sketch of a criminal face shown on our documentary so whilst Olivia and Matt were in the car park (during our first nights filming) sorting out what shots I needed to take I scoured google, trying to find a website that would let you do this online. As i didn't know what the technical name for the sketch was it was quite hard to find but when I typed 'criminal face generator' into google this website came up:
The website allows you to choose from loads of different face shapes, eyes, lips, hair... everything! in order to make your criminal face.
Below is a picture of the finished result...

And here are some pictures of the processs:

The program was easy enough to use all though quite fiddly as you have to arrange all the features separately and size each one but the finished result was good and once I got the hang of it it was quite easy and only took about 10 minutes to create. Hopefully we will be able to show the picture in our documentary and say something along the lines of ''This man is still out there so if you see anybody that fits this image please do not hesitate to contact this number''.

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