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Saturday 15 January 2011

Deciding on Casting

After properly deciding on our them of a Crime Documentary we realized that the topic we wanted to do it on was very personal so it was difficult to find somebody who wanted to share their story. So instead, we looked at various attempted rape stories and made our own, not in an attempt to miss-portray events but to raise awareness of what can happen to young girls.
These are the actors we are going to need:

  1. A female actress playing the victim in the interview
  2. A female actress for the reconstruction
  3. A female acress playing the friend in the interview
  4. A male actor to play the attacker in the CCTV footage
  5. A male actor to play the attacker in the reconstruction
  6. A male actor playing the rescuer in the reconstruction
  7. A male actor playing the rescuer in the interview

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