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Saturday, 18 December 2010

Making the Final Decision on Theme

Today our group made the final decision that we are going to do a documentary on the attack of a young girl at school. We spent quite a lot of time on the BBC Crimewatch website looking for some inspiration and also to see how the majority of them are set out. One particular film which we liked was the 'Hayes Attempted Rape'. They used reconstruction, CCTV, interviews from close family members and lots more which we were thinking of which is good because now we know were on the right track. The pictures below are screen shots from the film on the BBC website. Click on an image to enlarge.

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Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Teen Cribs

After making 'Testing out... Interview Techniques', we realised that producing a documentary on Bipolar Disorder would be too challenging and sensitive to make as humourous so we decided to try out lots of different topics. This was one that we have made into a proper 'short' because we think we might like to use it for our main piece. 

Testing out... Interview Techniques

Unfortunately there was a problem with the computer we did this film on and by default is says 'Directed by Amy Michael', something we couldn't change.. It was actually made by myself, Matt Burge and Olivia Cope. 

Testing out ... Camera Angles