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Friday, 8 October 2010

Testing out...

In last weeks lesson we had a task to make a mini documentary on different interview techniques. It really helped us decide what we liked and what we were not so keen on so we decided that it wouldn't be our last. we thought of the idea of making a mini series of documentaries on all sorts of things and we decided to call it 'Testing Out...' The second one we made was about all the different types of camera angle and they will both be placed on our blogs when fully completed, along with a montage of audience feedback to the 'Testing Out... Interview Techniques'.

Our work so far

At first, the idea of doing a test for our media sounded like a fun, hassle free challenge but we soon discovered that the style in which we intended on doing it in was going to be harder than we imagined. The style we wanted to achieve was black humour, a sort of mockumentary but as we did further research into Bipolar Disorder we discovered how sensitive it is and how it could upset certain viewers who are familiar with the illness or have family members with it. Because of this we have had to rethink our idea slightly and come up with something more serious. So, in conclusion, doing this test turned out to be a good idea because could have ended up making a really big error and now we have enough time to correct it.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Reseach into Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder (also known as manic-depressive illness) is a brain disorder that causes random and extreme changes in mood and energy levels. The changes in mood differ alot from the mood swings that everybody else experiences now and again. They are severe and very obvious. The illness, however, can be treated.

It is uncommon for Bipolar disorder to start in childhood and in most cases the symptoms will start showing from teenage years to young adulthood. It is also uncommon for Bipolar disorder to only start showing symtoms later than this. A study taken shows that at least half of all cases start before the age of 25.
Although the symptoms for Bipolar are easy to spot if you know what your looking for and may seem obvious, it is not easy to spot at the start as the symptons could look like seperate problems depending on how the person is reacting to them.
The phrase used to describe the two different personas that a person suffering from Bipolar disorder will go through is "mood episodes". A 'manic episode' is when the person is in an overly joyful and energetic state and an extremely sad or hopeless state is called a 'depressive episode'. Occasionally, their mood can reflect both a depressive episode and a manic episode and this is called a 'mixed state'. Whatever state they happen to be in, it can change instantly and they can suddenly explode for no reason.

The information which i used to write this post i found from these websites